Friday, February 17, 2012

Checked Out

I think when I said I'd write on this blog everyday, I was aiming big and missing big. But I think I have done pretty well-- once a week or two weeks is appropriate. Today, I was in Choir taking a test. Since I moved to my new school, I've been called down to the office to retrieve things or get checked out at least once a week. Shockingly, in the middle of the test, I was called to the office to get checked out for an ortho appointment. "Yeah!" getting out of school, not "Yeah" going to have my teeth worked on.

 At the orthodontist, I was supposed to get a "spacer" but turns out I don't need one. Instead they put little rubber bands in between my teeth. It hurt a ton! At my next appointment in two weeks, I will get braces. "Yeah", hopefully I won't look ridiculous or not be able to enunciate my words! I just found a new word, Pulchritudinous. It's an adjective, the noun would be pulchritude. Pulchritudinous means beautiful or physically attractive. I love learning new big and sophisticated words! My favorite subject in school is English. I love writing and reading immensely! Well, I think that is enough for today. Au revoir!
